The Color of Wine - Grape Skin Contact | Contactless Wine Delivery

When you dose off, do you dream in colour or black and white? How about in relation to a "wine dream" like your last holiday when you are sipping some red wine on a terrace? It was colour and tres vivid, right? Yes, the more vivid and distinct, the more memorable. Ambitious topic for our ambitious friends in the community here in Canada (and globally)! 

What about wine color? What makes that crisp white color or that esoteric red? 

Let's dive into the spectrum!  


KISS principle: keep it simple because you don't want a headache but simple knowledge - to the point and to the glass! 


Beauty is not skin deep but wine color is! Determined by the amount and frequency of contact with the grape juice with the grape skins. This, in turn (pun intended), affects the amount of tannins. (Topic we will address in short order for a taller glass of red!). 


Stay in the process and not the results. Focus on the journey; not the destination. From the sports world: results matter but you won't get there if you don't stay focused on the now. 


The same applies to wine. Hoping for results is great for the grapes and the grape lovers but without knowing the process, dreams remain just that. The top oenologists


The process determines whether a wine will be white, red, or rosé.


White grapes are greenish, greenish yellow or even a little pink. (Ever tried those cotton candy ones - good substitute for the tub of ice cream!). 


The juice of most red grapes has no red pigmentation but the skins do. Hence, white wines can be made with just the juice. Remember, above - all about contact! As a general principle, this is rare. 


The color red (in various hues and pigments) occurs when the colorless juice of red grapes stays in contact (durationally speaking) with the dark grape skins during fermentation and absorbs the skins’ color


The catch phrase of the year so far...unfortunately. Some people are even getting a little cranky about the phrase and want to use "physical distancing". In theory, yes - we can stay socially connected while being distanced physically distanced 


Always in compliance and never defiant. Go with the river. See everything as an opportunity. That you have and we appreciate it. Our loyal friends are loving having their wine delivered contactlessly (is that a word - it is now!) so they can live their dreams from the comfort of their maison! 

Hoping we tied it together for you and let's put a bow on your next case so you can spend your time ripping that cardio in your living room so that wine dovetails with your heightened endorphin level! 

All of these gems come to the comfort of your own home (reflexive we know but we prefer clarity)! 


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