The importance of two words - thank you | That is all for now
We never delve into the political game because that is private. There is a reason that the voter booth is private. Your privacy is important to you and us. We get it more secure than Fort Knox thanks to our high level payment processor. Always remember we never even see your private data and credit information. We just see the sale and we are off to the races like a young Usain Bolt (or old because he has won three 100m dashes. Ya, that is 12 years of being the best.)
However, back to the quasi politics and that is a great quote which has been attributed to Good Ole Abe. Abraham Lincoln that is. Yes, he was a president of the United States and not responsible for the Town Car (albeit a luxe ride where you can nearly fall asleep - as a passenger that is!) but a quote, "If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter!"
With that brevity in mind (gosh - we are already being too redundant and verbose) - THANK YOU
Thank you for our wonderful and fearless courier and drivers. They are out there for you going door to door and delivering wine so you don't have to. They make the world go round (and certainly the wheels) so we can get through this challenging time.
However, we (not you- because reminding ourselves is important) that gratitude makes us human. We are Canadians at heart and core. We are not in the promotional game like the United States where it is all glitz and glamour (Canadian spelling). Yes, we all love a good trip to Las Vegas to escape a little. However, the Canadian way is a way of acceptance and thanks. Sure, promo and poaching make get you the dollars but long-term friendships and relationship are invaluable.
With that (again not being short enough), we go long with thank you to our partners on the transportation side of the ledger. They could easily take time off and collect dollars from the government but they have real pride. They love what they do and they run authentic businesses. We have to pinch ourselves that we are a decade into this and we realize that our drivers are not just some "means to an end" but people we call friends. Yes, "experts" will say "business is business" and "keep it separate" but we just cannot subscribe to that theory. We are in this together as friends, citizens and residents. While some threaten to build walls (not naming any names), we like to create relationships.
Again, thank you to those that have some tread on their tires (literally and figuratively). If you think that logging miles in downtown Toronto or the Don Valley Parking Lot, then you must be south of the 49th Parallel. Yes, that is a latitude thing and there might be a decimal thing but no time for "penny pinching".
When you can, remember to thank those that risk so we can all benefit. No one is running a charity per se but common goals are for common people. We don't have a King and Queen so at the end of the day, we are all part of the same "House of Commons".
And thanks to all of our newfound extended family aka recent customers. For another adage, you are only as strong as you are weakest link and we are always happy to be around stronger links.
While those TO vs The World shirts are kind of cool, we must respectfully (Canadian again) disagree. TO and Ontario with the world. Let's bring the best from the world out there to you in a safe way. Without these consummate professionals willing to take risk, nothing is possible.
I guess we got carried away and did not follow Abe Lincoln's quote (but maybe the chin strap he rocked without the stache is good for some Covid protection so nothing gets caught in that tickler)!