How to rediscover wine after the pandemic. It is Academic | Victory Wine

With all of these privacy laws, no one likes a nosy persons these days, right? But what about losing your sense of smell due to the unfortunate symptoms (ala sxs for the shorthand for the scientists out there) of the pandemic. Yes, we have heard these horror stories of losing your sense of smell and taste. Certainly, our thoughts and prayers are with those that have it far worse than food tasting blander than a TV dinner sitting in your freezer for a few years. Or a wine tasting like a bad version of concentrated grape juice or Hawaiian punch. (Note: Hawaiians do not drink Hawaian punch. They keep it a little more exotic with some coconut shrimp and a fresh mint mojito!) 


Yes, that is a thing. You discover and then rediscover. Kind of like falling in love all over again. Why not do it twice? Look on the bright side. Glass half full and when the wine is top notch, then glass fully empty. 


Well, for some, they could not smell those beans roasting in the a.m. Yes, tragedy for some. 

We are higihlighting a story involving a doctor from New York when his wife could not smell the coffee one morning. Dr. Pourfar is a neurologist who specializes in treating people with Parkinson’s disease and other nerve disorders. He was not directly involved in COVID treatment but, of course, like anyone, who has been fortunate to still have a pulse, he was acutely aware of the symptoms. 

He was acutely aware that his wife was likely infected with the COVID-19 virus. However, they wanted to remain calm for their children. They had quarantined themselves away from the hustle and bustle of their downtown NYC residence out to their pasture. Shortly thereafter, the Dr. and his wife were both infected. Fortunately, nothing was grave in terms of illness. 


Dr. Pourfar, who grew up in Monroe, N.Y., near West Point, discovered wine when, as a high school student, he spent a year in Alsace, France. There, he lived with a family who always had wine on the table. He found himself paying attention to it, and wine became entwined with his time there.


Dr. Pourfar’s symptoms did not disappear entirely until mid-May. But his sense of smell? Still in hibernation. He understood that losing the ability to enjoy wine was a trivial but "human nature" kicked in. Compare your previous to your present. 


(A little tribute to that high school song that had you hopping by Mark Morrison with "Return of the Mack"). 

Back to the daily grind that brought back his doctor sense of mack with the fine wines.

Smell that? He began taking daily whiffs of coffee in the morning and of Rémy Martin X.O., a particularly aromatic Cognac, from France. .

Slowly but surely, he began appreciating different types of wine. His rediscovery and acceptance of wines of yesteryear; particularly those not considered in the top echelon (i.e. he snubbed his nose at them), were more accepting to his palette and olfactory sense. 

The feel good part is that his family is all healthy and he has a different perspective about wine and life. There is always a positive and an opportunity in these challenging times. We can learn from others experiences. 

Sample these wines for the time being and we got more coming down the proverbial "pipe". From canals to passages, we will find a way to the blue ocean and light! 


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