Homemade dishes and natural wine. Lentil soup and Earth and Sky!

So you are cooking it up from home? We get it. Some better than others and certainly better than a lot of us. If you have been fortunate to be in the wine biz, you know that eating out is one of the huge perks. One of the downsides: you start to really despise your own food. And not that is so bad (well, it often is) but that these chefs are such artists and we feel so blessed to eat their food. But then a pandemic hits and you cannot be us as up close and personal. (Yes, great flick if you forget it. Need a little hint. Ya, Robert Redford and Michelle Pfeifer!) 

Yes, both great in their own right! 

But back to the lentils and soup! 


So, whether you have dusted off the instant cooker! 


Come on, stir it up! 


Love animals? Yes! Make a vegan version by using vegetable stock instead of chicken, while meat eaters may choose to add some andouille or kielbasa.


Select a more vibrant red such as a Young VInes! Yes, it pairs well too! 

So whether you are cooking from home or doing a Face Time meal with a friend. Make it fun! So keep it earthy and fun. Stay humble. Stay grounded. Some lentils and Earth and Sky! 

Oh but what lentils? 

Which are the healthiest? 


Black Lentils

They take approximately 25 minutes to cook and are the most nutritious variety of lentils. One half cup of uncooked black lentils provides 26g protein, 18g fiber, 100mg calcium, 8mg iron, and 960mg potassium! 

So if you love animals and you are so against dairy, then it is perfect mix. A little black lentil action with natural Earth and Sky will have you feeling uplifted! And yes, potassium is excellent if you suffer from muscle cramps! 

Stay loose and cramp free with a free mind! 

Until the next time, remember to savour each bite and sip that compliment each other. Slow and steady wins the race and remember this is a marathon of epic sorts! 


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